Now Is The Time For Pointing Fingers – One Man’s Arrogance Is Behind The Foodbank Explosion

the void

Iain-Duncan-Smith415Today’s shocking news that the number of people using foodbanks has trebled in just one year comes just months after many of Iain Duncan Smith’s most brutal welfare reforms were introduced.

According to The Trussell Trust over 350,000 people received emergency food from the charity between April and September 2013.  This follows the introduction of the Bedroom Tax in April, the phased introduction of the Benefit Cap over the Summer and the demolition of the Social Fund which used to provide emergency loans and small grants to the destitute.

Alongside this a massive extension of workfare and benefit sanctions has taken place with both unemployed and sick or disabled claimants having money stopped for “seemingly illogical reasons” in the words of The Trussell Trust Executive Chairman Chris Mould.

Mould has called for an inquiry into hunger in the UK and insists this is not a time for pointing fingers but…

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