Why does the BBC have wall-to-wall reporting on anti-semitism every two years just before local elections?

Pride's Purge

From March this year, the BBC’s Daily Politics had weekly – and often daily – reports and segments on anti-semitism in Labour.

But these reports have now completely stopped since the local elections finished.

Interestingly, a quick check of the Daily Politics Twitter timeline reveals they also did EXACTLY the same in the run-up to the 2016 local elections.

From around March 2016, there were weekly/daily reports on anti-semitism in Labour by Andrew Neil and co, which also mysteriously ceased literally one or two days after the 2016 local elections were over.

The next report on Daily Politics on anti-semitism in that year, as far as I can tell, was a good 5 months or so after the 2016 local elections.

The pattern, however, was not the same in the run-up to the general election in 2017 – in which the issue of anti-semitism was barely mentioned. Could…

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