Bolton voters show Theresa May in no uncertain terms what they think of her

“Belta” as we say up in the North East, meaning great, fantastic, superb etc.
Also sounds like Belt Her but I wont go there…!!!

Pride's Purge

Theresa May has had a disastrous start to her election campaign.

Her first stop today in Bolton left locals somewhat unimpressed after the Prime Minister chose to make her entrance by landing by helicopter on a golf course.

The bungling PM then refused to take or answer questions from local voters or reporters.

And finally, as she whizzed by in her chauffeur-driven car back to her helicopter, a motorcycle policeman in her extensive escort had to have a word with a local taxi driver who was showing the PM in no uncertain terms what he thought of her:

May’s declaration to “connect with voters” not off to a great start then …

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