THE PAEDOFILE: MI5 ‘gave Geoffrey Dickens Michael Portillo’s name’ for his dossier

The Slog

portilloMirror backs away from publication

Sources close to former secret service agent Tony Holland have sent information to the Slog over the last week. One purports to be an extract from a letter written by a former MI5 operative naming former Tory Minister Michael Portillo, which includes the phrase ‘Portillo was taking little boys to his cottage in France.’ Retaining an open mind, The Slog looks at the impenetrable fog of sexual, legal, and media perversion involved.

The officer writing the extract adds that Tony Holland ‘worked in the [security services] department that gave those stories to Geoffrey Dickens…we are trying to get it publicised by the Daily Mirror at the moment, but apparently they are not happy – even though Tony has the full documentation to discredit members of the Establishment.’

Nobody should jump to conclusions about what this may or may not mean; but it does raise some…

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