Proof that Labour in Scotland will have to move to the left to win back SNP voters

Pride's Purge

(not satire)

There’s some pretty convincing statistical evidence in this study by Professor Phil Cowley at the British Election Study that Labour in Scotland will have to move quite a bit to the left if they want to win back SNP voters before next May’s general election.

Here’s Professor Phil Cowley’s key paragraph:

Labour voters in Scotland see themselves as left-wing and think they support a left-wing party and they see the SNP as noticeably to their right. SNP voters see the world differently: they see themselves as almost equally left-wing but they think they support a left-wing party, and see Labour as even further to their right.

According to the BES study, SNP voters rate themselves as 3.6 on the scale, their party as 3.8 and the Labour opposition as off to the right on 5.3:

SNP voters left-right scale

That would suggest that if Labour in Scotland want to win back SNP voters, they will need to…

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